
Workforce Development - Fairfax, Britepaths

Britepaths' Workforce Development Program helps job seekers navigate the job search process and find meaningful employment. The program is designed to work with under- or un-employed men and women in an individualized and coordinated way to ensure that all of their workforce development needs are met. The types of workforce development support and assistance available to clients include: Job and career identification and planning. Referrals to educational, job training, or professional certification programs, if needed. Resume review. Workshops focused on career development and job search strategies. Professional and social networking guidance and invitation to events. Financial literacy and budgeting workshops or coaching, if needed. Participation in Network Up, a short-term mentoring program that pairs job seekers with a professional in their desired job sector.

Physical Address

4080 Chain Bridge Road, Second Floor, Fairfax, VA 22030


Monday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM; Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM; Thursday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM; Friday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM


(703) 273-7131

Application process

All programs are being offered virtually. Contact Sally Meyer at [email protected]. A referral from a social worker is helpful, but not absolutely required. Will also consider self-referrals.




Service area

Fairfax County, VA

Agency info


Britepaths provides Fairfax County area neighbors in need with short-term safety-net services and empowers them to work toward long-term self-sufficiency.