Administrative Entity - Louisa, Fluvanna Louisa Housing Foundation
Typically, we assist with roofing, HVAC, plumbing, electric, hot water, well, and septic. We may be able to assist on other repairs as funding and labor are available, and dependent upon the number of ongoing repairs in the community.
Physical Address
144 Resource Lane, Louisa, VA 23093
(540) 967-3488
Application process
Self referral
Service area
Fluvanna, VA Louisa, VA
Agency info
Fluvanna Louisa Housing Foundation
Provides housing assistance, in the form of supplemental rent and housing rehabilitation/repair services, to those who qualify as low income. Manages the Section 8 Rental Assistance program in both counties. The FLHF has a part time home buyer counselor on staff to assist first time home buyers. The organization manages the Indoor Plumbing Program and State Emergency Home Repair Program. In addition, the Foundation has funds for grants and loans to repair dwellings. The FLHF also provides/installs/sells portable, modular aluminum ramps. For more information, you may also call toll-free: (866)325-4131, ask for Extension 7483.