
Home of Your Own Program - Lynchburg, Rush Homes

Rush Homes provides rental housing opportunities to adults with significant mental and/or physical disabilities which prevent them from owning and maintaining their own home. Although the home is owned by Rush Homes, the client may live in the home until he or she no longer chooses or until the client's health dictates a different housing situation. The home would then be used for another person with a disability. The client pays an affordable rent and may live in the home with one or more roommates. The client must hire their own service/health provider if needed; Rush Homes does not provide services in the Home of Your Own program. Provide resource referral support and offer programs, etc., for tenant participation.

Physical Address

1721 Monsview Place, Lynchburg, VA 24504


(434) 455-2001


(434) 455-2001

Service area

Lynchburg, VA Amherst, VA Appomattox, VA Bedford, VA Campbell, VA

Agency info

Rush Homes

Rush Homes provides accessible and affordable housing to people with disabilities and low incomes. Clients pay an affordable rent while Rush Homes owns the homes. ELIGIBLE AGE: Must be at least 18 years of age ELIGIBLE INCOME: Must be considered low-income by HUD guidelines ELIGIBLE POPULATION: Adults with disabilities and low incomes