
Recovery Center - Alexandria, South County Recovery and Drop In Center, Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia (RPSV)

RPSV is a peer-run organization, which means everyone in the organization has experienced their own recovery and serves as a living role model to participants that recovery is possible. RPSV serves adults across Northern Virginia with mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues. RPSV also offers virtual individual and group support Monday through Saturday. RPSV's services are all free and include connecting individuals to benefits (e.g., housing, health care), employment support, computer training, daily meals and snacks, therapeutic art programs, individual and group support programs, and much more. The programs are designed to help people in recovery from mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues to turn their pain into power to live the life of their dreams.

Physical Address

8794 Sacramento Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309

Service area

Fairfax, VA

Agency info

Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia (RPSV)