Family Shelter - Richmond, HomeAgain
A year-round shelter with 50 beds. The shelter can house a total of 14 families. Please note that the shelter is not a walk-in inclement weather shelter. Families are referred to the shelter through the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care coordinated point of entry. Families can call the Homeless Connection Line to begin the housing placement process at 804-972-0813.
Physical Address
7 N Second Street, Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 782-9779
Application process
HomeAgain receives referrals for this program from the Continuum of Care's (CoC) Homeless Crisis Line. Those in need of shelter must call 804-972-0813 to access shelter services. HomeAgain does not receive direct referrals for any of its programs. Homeward refers clients to the Rapid Rehousing Program from a by-name waiting list. HomeAgain does not receive direct referrals for any of its programs.
Service area
Henrico, VA New Kent, VA Colonial Heights, VA Richmond, VA Charles City, VA Chesterfield, VA Hanover, VA
Agency info
To assist families and individuals experiencing homelessness to secure and maintain a home, again. HomeAgain provides housing and supportive services to those in a housing crisis.