
Web Site - Baltimore,MD, Medicare Discount Drug Card

Medicare recipients can phone the above number to obtain assistance in association with the Medicare discount prescription card. They can go to the web site listed above and select Prescription Drug and Other Assistance Programs. According to the news information released by the Federal Government, there will be an annual fee of no more than $30. An enrollment fee is waived if the individual qualifies for a $600.00 credit. If individuals are having difficulty completing the form or don't understand other aspects of the discount program, they can call Brenda Lipscomb @ CVAAA. I&R should put Medicare Discount Drug Card in the notes field of any client who inquires about the program.

Physical Address

7500 Security Boulevard, Woodlawn, MD 21244


Everyday 24 hours, 7 days a week

Application process

Call toll free number.



Service area


Agency info

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Offers a nationwide Medicare directory on the web site www.medicare.gov run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Offers consumers and health care providers up-to-date quality information via the internet or (800)MEDICARE on Medicare-approved home health agencies, dialysis facilities, medical equipment, long term care, nursing homes, hospitals, doctors, Medicaid enrollment, Medicare prescription coverage options and discount cards.