Substance Use Services - Winchester, Northwestern Community Services Board
Provides an array of outpatient services for adults (18+) with substance abuse disorders. Services include Intensive Outpatient Program, Office-Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT), Recovery Skills Group, Substance Use Case Management, Outpatient Therapy and Peer Recovery Services. Location also has The Within Reach Peer Resource Center. A free place for adults recovering from mental health and/or substance use to access Peer Support, learn and practice recovery skills and exercise choice and decision-making skills, all in a safe and supportive environment. Certified Peer Recovery Specialists are on hand to share their lived experience in an open and non-judgmental atmosphere, through both group and individual peer support. Connect with others in recovery through groups, activities and one-on-one support. The center is open to anyone (you do not have to be a client of Northwestern) that wishes to receive group or individual Peer Support. It also offers the use of the computer lab, T.V., movies, wi-fi, video games, books and endless resources for all recovery paths.
Physical Address
1014 Amherst Street, Winchester, VA 22601
(540) 667-5663
Application process
Must be referred by NWCSB case worker.
Service area
Winchester, VA Clarke, VA Frederick, VA Page, VA Shenandoah, VA Warren, VA
Agency info
Northwestern Community Services Board
Provides mental health, intellectual disability, substance abuse and prevention services to the citizens of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren counties and the city of Winchester. Emergency-Daytime: (540)635-4804 Emergency-After Hours: (540)635-4357