
Parenting - Norfolk ,Fatherhood Development Group, Norfolk Department of Human Services

Empowering fathers and strengthening families by providing a 13 week development group of fathers supporting fathers, understanding child development, employer networking (to gain professional references)and employment resources. Workshop includes guest speakers on all topics while mentoring men to become better fathers. Register online: www.norfolk.gov/FormCenter/Family--Human-Services-5/Fatherhood-Development-Program-Registrat-157

Physical Address

741 Monticello Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23510


(757) 664-3275

Application process

Register online for the Fatherhood Development Group or call 664-6370.



Service area

Norfolk, VA

Agency info

Norfolk Department of Human Services

Provides community-based services that educates, promotes family stability, self-reliance and has benefit programs that meet the basic needs of citizens. It also provides programs that protect against abuse and neglect of children and adults.