
Affordable Housing - Lorton, Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services

Provides affordable housing to families and individuals that have significant barriers to stable housing, including poor credit, prior evictions and low-income. Does not offer emergency or subsidized housing; however provides low to affordable fair market value housing. Requires participation in budget counseling, individualized case management to address structural barriers to long-term housing like poor credit histories, itinerant rental histories and personal goals.

Physical Address

8305 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309


The office is closed each day 12PM-1PM.


(703) 768-9419


(703) 768-9419

Application process

Please complete the Pre-Application Form found online at www.goodhousing.org, and return it to Quantum Real Estate, 7985 Audubon Ave. #101, Alexandria, VA 22309. The pre-application will be reviewed and you will be contacted about whether or not your household qualifies. For those who qualify, you will be invited to complete a full application. The wait time can be over 3 months before a housing unit becomes available. For questions about the application process, you may email [email protected] or call (571) 347-7600.


Call for Information



Service area

Alexandria, VA Fairfax, VA

Agency info

Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services

Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services provides affordable housing and emergency assistance for eviction prevention to families in southeastern Fairfax County, VA.