
Child Care Subsidy - Daleville, Botetourt County Social Services

Provides financial assistance to eligible families to help pay for the cost of child care so they can work or attend education or training programs. Services are child centered and family focused and support the broader objective of strengthening families' goals of economic self sufficiency and quality early childhood programs for their children. Participating families may select any legally operating child day care facility eligible to participate in the program.

Physical Address

220 Commons Parkway, Daleville, VA 24083


(540) 591-5969


(540) 591-5969

Application process

Walk-ins and telephone referrals. Screen for eligibility and apply online at: commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the enterprise call center.

Service area

Botetourt, VA

Agency info

Botetourt County Social Services

Local office of the Virginia Department of Social Services.