
Hospice Care - Harrisonburg, Sentara Hospice Care, Sentara RMH Medical Center

Provides a palliative care program for care of patients and families dealing with terminal illness (usually 6 month prognosis). Interdisciplinary holistic approach with focus on home care support. Provides bereavement follow up with the family for a 13 month period. Services Provided include: * Physician provides medical direction of the patient care. * Registered nurses make regularly scheduled home visits to assess the patient condition, provide pain and symptom management, answer questions, and teach patient and families how to manage and provide care. * Hospice helpline provides a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week phone access to a registered nurse. Besides regularly scheduled home visits, by calling the helpline you can speak by phone to a nurse who is able to answer questions and assess unexpected situations. * Medications related to the hospice diagnosis and used for pain and symptom management are provided. * Medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital bed are provided as needed. * Home Care Aides provide personal care and light housekeeping for the patient. * Medical social workers assess the psychosocial needs of the patient/family. They provide education and support regarding interpersonal relationships, and are experts in community resources. This allows them to facilitate family communication and recommend resources for financial, legal and caregiving issues. * Chaplain provides spiritual support to patients and families of all faiths. * Support therapies Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy and dietary counseling provide expert services as needed. * Pharmacist provide expertise in pain and symptom management. * Volunteers are a specially trained group of people who are available to provide supportive services to patients, families and hospice staff. * Bereavement services provide grief follow up according to the needs of the families. This includes phone contacts, supportive literature, mailings and an invitation to the annual memorial service. Grief support groups and individual counseling are available through Sentara Grief Support Services. No person will be denied Sentara Hospice services on the basis of race, color, national origin, handicap, age or inability to pay.

Physical Address

136 West Elizabeth Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802


(540) 564-7106

Application process

Self referral. Pre-registration required. Maxine Jean Louis - Oncology Social Worker #540-689-7065



Service area

Harrisonburg, VA Staunton, VA Waynesboro, VA Augusta, VA Page, VA Rockingham, VA Shenandoah, VA

Agency info

Sentara RMH Medical Center

Offers an innovative community-oriented health care provider committed to offering accessible, personalized, and high-quality services in a cost-effective manner. We will work in partnership with the local medical community and other local and regional health care resources to ensure that necessary health services are available to all, regardless of their financial status. With our partners, we will seek to enhance the health status of the community we serve, by offering an appropriate range of services including selected areas of excellence. Working with our local physician partners, we will actively participate in the formation of a locally controlled integrated delivery system. In our efforts, we will be guided by the shared values, beliefs and needs of our local community. For information on support groups and hospital services, or for physician referrals, please call: Health Source: (540)564-7200 Toll-free Health Source: (855)564-7200