
Legal Aid - Roanoke, Blue Ridge Legal Services

Provides assistance with the legal needs of low-income individuals. Offers legal assistance ranging from advice or brief service to ongoing representation in areas of family disputes, problems with debts and bankruptcy, housing and landlords, tenant disputes, access to health care and governmental benefits, consumer disputes, and issues affecting seniors. The most common legal problems handled by Blue Ridge Legal Services include: Family disputes (for example, domestic violence, divorce) Problems dealing with debts and bankruptcy Housing and landlord-tenant disputes Eligibility for various government benefits (such as food stamps, TANF, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits) Access to health care (for example, issues involving Medicaid and Medicare) Consumer disputes, and Issues affecting seniors (such as exploitation and problems with nursing homes). Does not handle criminal matters, traffic violations, personal injuries or malpractice cases and other cases outside of our priorities. APPLICATIONS for services must be sumbitted by phone or online.

Physical Address

132 Campbell Avenue Southeast, Roanoke, VA 24011


(540) 344-8085


(540) 344-8085

Application process

Applications for services taken by phone Monday - Friday 9:00 - 11:45 AM and M-TH 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Online applications always available at www.brls.org

Service area

Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Bedford, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA Roanoke, VA Franklin, VA

Agency info

Blue Ridge Legal Services

Provides assistance with the legal needs of low-income individuals. Offers legal assistance ranging from advice or brief service to ongoing representation in areas of family disputes, problems with debts and bankruptcy, housing and landlords, tenant disputes, access to health care and governmental benefits, consumer disputes, and issues affecting seniors. Collaborates closely with the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley. The most common legal problems handled by Blue Ridge Legal Services include: Family disputes (for example, domestic violence, divorce) Problems dealing with debts and bankruptcy Housing and landlord-tenant disputes Eligibility for various government benefits (such as food stamps, TANF, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits) Access to health care (for example, issues involving Medicaid and Medicare) Consumer disputes, and Issues affecting seniors (such as exploitation and problems with nursing homes). Does not handle criminal matters, traffic violations, personal injuries or malpractice cases and other cases outside of our priorities. (If you need assistance with such issues, please contact the Virginia State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at (800) 552-7977.