

Virginia State Police As of 4:30 a.m., Virginia State Police have responded to 500 crashes. Forty-five crashes have had reported injuries. There have been no fatalities. • There were multiple crashes along Interstate 85 Wednesday. This includes two crashes near the 20-mile marker where two State Police vehicles were struck. Neither trooper was struck, and there were no injuries. There were actually eight reportable crashes in a stretch of I-85 that went from mile-marker 19 to the North Carolina line. There were no serious injuries. • There was also a crash around 10:11 a.m. Wednesday in Giles County where two firefighters with the Pembroke Fire Department suffered minor injuries after they were struck. The firefighters were on the scene of another crash and were near a wreaker loading a vehicle when a second car struck the wrecker. The disabled vehicle then struck the firefighters. It is not clear whether this crash is weather-related. • Virginia State Police has adjusted manpower in order to respond to the accumulating snow coming Wednesday and Thursday. o Virginia State Police ask Virginians not to drive during the storm. This will allow space for VDOT and emergency crews to operate. o If you must travel, drivers are reminded to do the following: • Use headlights. Increasing your visibility helps you to avoid slick and dangerous spots on the road, as well as helps other drivers see you better

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9711 Farrar Court, Richmond, VA 23236


(804) 272-2046

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Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Works with local government, state and federal agencies and voluntary organizations to provide resources and expertise through the four phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.