Emergency Services Financial Assistance - Fredericksburg, Healthy Generations Area Agency on Aging
Emergency services program assist low income, elderly clients with utility terminations, the purchase of prescription medication and similar emergencies that arise. Financial assistance is available one time per year per person and is restricted to low income area residents aged 60 and older in the City of Fredericksburg and the 4 surrounding counties. Assistance up to $100 once a year. This agency helps with the last $100. If bill is more that $100, will need client to bring proof of pledges from other organizations.
Physical Address
460 Lendall Lane, Falmouth, VA 22405
(540) 371-3384
(540) 371-3384
Application process
Must fill out an application. Call for more details.
No Fee
Service area
Fredericksburg, VA Caroline, VA King George, VA Spotsylvania, VA Stafford, VA
Agency info
Healthy Generations Area Agency on Aging
Administers programs under the Older American Act, serving the needs and acting on behalf of persons aged sixty and older in the City of Fredericksburg and Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford. Services include congregate meals, home delivered meals, Medicare insurance counseling, transportation, emergency financial support, respite assistance and long term care ombudsman support.