
Hypothermia Prevention Response Program - Fairfax, FACETS

Identifies churches which provide emergency shelter for one week blocks during the winter months. Assists homeless individuals and couples in finding emergency temporary shelter. Provides individualized case management services and life skills groups to obtain housing stability and increased skills and income. Must call to determine designated church shelter of the week. *****FACETS' hypothermia prevention season begins on December 1 and goes through March 31****

Physical Address

10700 Page Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22030


Call for information on shelter location for each week.


(703) 352-5088

Application process

For more information regarding Hypothermia Prevention locations, please reach out to Hypothermia Site Coordinator Dayatra Spalding at dspalding@facetscares.org or call 703-352-5090.


No Fee

Service area

Fairfax, VA

Agency info


Provides assistance with and referral to various types of services for individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Also provides educational enrichment programs for families living in Robinson Square, Barros Circle, Ragan Oaks and Wedgewood. Provides counseling and case management and makes referrals for various other human needs. Offers direct assistance with food.