
Legal Advice/Representation - Roanoke, Local Office on Aging

Serves clients age 60 and over, who live in the 5th Planning District of Virginia, and are unable to qualify for Legal Aid Services or afford a private attorney. Clients may be provided with either information or case consultation. Issues include: Power of Attorney documents, advanced medical directives, public benefits such as Medicaid, and Living Wills.

Physical Address

4932 Frontage Road Northwest, Roanoke, VA 24019


(540) 981-1487


(540) 981-1487

Application process

Call for additional information

Service area

Covington, VA Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Alleghany, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA Roanoke, VA

Agency info

Local Office on Aging

Services for seniors 60 and older to help keep them in their own homes for as long as safely possible.