
Health Care - Arrington, Rural Health Outreach Program, Blue Ridge Medical Center,

Provides comprehensive, accessible, affordable, and known health care for all Nelson County citizens and in surrounding Albemarle and Amherst Counties. Toward this end services and activities are provided which remove barriers to health and human services and increase the level of community health. Services include: transportation to and from health and human service appointments, home visits to provide health depot services for people not able to access the community clinics and to provide in-home assessments of health needs, information, referrals and facilitation of access, Every Woman's Life Health Passport (which offers: Pap test, breast exam and mammogram for women ages 40 to 64 who are not covered by Medicare), medication health services, health education and support groups, school based health care, Community Health Council and Provider Link. Other services provided include: * Health Depots -- mini clinics at community sites providing preventive health care, primary care, and chronic case management. * Interpretation (Spanish/English) for local farm workers. * Medicaid outreach targeting children not enrolled or enrolled and not accessing services. * School nursing services - all Nelson County schools. * Health education and support groups. Serves Nelson County and surrounding communities at various sites (fire departments, stores, churches, community centers). To reach the Blue Ridge Medical Center directly, please call (434)263-4000.

Physical Address

210 S Main Street, Amherst, VA 22922


Monday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Tuesday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Thursday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Friday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Application process

Please call for more information




Service area

Nelson County, VA Amherst County, VA Albemarle County, VA

Agency info

Blue Ridge Medical Center

Provides quality health care accessible to all people of Nelson County and neighboring communities and helps to improve their general health and well-being through prevention, education and treatment. Blue Ridge Medical Center is a federally qualified community health center providing health care on a sliding fee basis. Community based prevention and education services and school nursing services are provided through the center's Rural Health Outreach Program. Blue Ridge Medical Center is not affiliated with any particular hospital, and referrals can be made based on the choice of the patient. There is a pharmacy on site that accepts prescriptions written by any area health care provider. BRMC operates a "Medication Assistance Program" for qualified uninsured individuals. Medical interpretation available for those best served in a language other than English.