
Administration - Madison Heights, Madison Heights Jobs Center, Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, headquartered in Roanoke, is providing job training and employment services throughout its service area in the Roanoke, New River, and Shenandoah Valleys of Virginia. Programs are available to assist individuals with disabilities, disadvantages, and job seekers seeking to improve their employment opportunities. Primarily funded through the collection and sale of donated goods. Also relies on the generous financial support of individual and corporate donors. Offers industrial services to business and industry, which provides the training and employment opportunities for individuals participating in our workforce development programs. A part of a network of local, autonomous Goodwill member organizations in the United States and Canada. Each Goodwill operates under the umbrella of a common mission; however, each functions as an independent organization with its own programs and locally-elected board of directors. Goodwill Industries International links all Goodwill members together to ensure quality standards, shared leadership, and a fluid exchange of ideas throughout the Goodwill movement.

Physical Address

1045 North Main Street, Rocky Mount, VA 24151


Monday: 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM; Tuesday: 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM; Thursday: 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM; Friday: 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM


(434) 345-3632

Service area

Lynchburg City, VA

Agency info

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys serves youth, adults, and seniors with disabilities, disadvantages, and those who have lost their job due to company closing or layoff throughout the 35 counties and 14 cities in Central, Southwest and Southside, Virginia that Goodwill serves. Goodwill is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities and disadvantages overcome barriers to employment. Provides workforce development programs that empower people to achieve and sustain a level of independence to participate more fully in life. Primarily funded through the collection and sale of donated goods. Also relies on the generous financial support of individual and corporate donors.