
Homeless Services - Woodbridge, Prince William Coordinated Entry System, Prince William County Social Services

Through the Coordinated Entry System (CES) we strive to immediately access the needs of households seeking assistance and quickly connect them to the most appropriate resource for their circumstances. Contact the Coordinated Entry System (703) 792-3366. HILDA BARG Homeless Prevention Center is a 30-bed shelter for families and single adults offers comprehensive services including case management, job readiness, mental health counseling and medical referrals. The shelter is open year-round and is located at 14945 Richmond Highway (Route 1), between Dale Blvd. and Opitz Blvd. in Woodbridge. For more information call Coordinated Entry at 703-792-3366. Overnight Shelter is a 48-bed, shelter for single adult men and women that is in operation 365 days a year, from 6PM to 7AM. In the event temperatures/wind-chill fall below 32 degrees (on weekends and holidays), the overnight Shelter will operate under extended hours. When temperatures reach 95 degrees or above (on weekends and holidays) the overnight shelter will operate under extended hours. The Overnight Shelter is located at 14730 Potomac Mills Road in Woodbridge. For more information, call 703-897-0199. The Bill Mehr Drop-in Center (Drop-In Center) is operated by the Prince William County Department of Social Services. The Drop-In Center operates six days week, Monday-Friday 7AM to 12PM and Saturday 7AM to 10AM and provides meals, showers, clothing, opportunities for spiritual/social interaction, as well as assistance in meeting health, employment, education, and housing needs through referrals. In the event the temperature reaches 95 degrees or above (Monday-Friday) the Drop -In Center hours will be extended to provide cool center services. When temperatures or wind-chill fall below 32 degrees (Monday-Friday) the Drop-In Center hours will be extended to provide warm out of the cold. The cold weather shelter is open November 1 - March 31. The Drop-In-Center is located at 14716 Potomac Mills Road in Woodbridge, VA. For more information, call 703-792-7648.

Physical Address

14716 Potomac Mills Road, Woodbridge, VA 22192


Drop-in center hours: M,T,W,Th,F 7AM to 12PM and Sa 7AM to 10AM Overnight shelter hours: 7 days a week 6:30pm to 7:00am Cold Weather Shelters available: November 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022

Application process

Referrals to The Hilda Barg Prevention Center must come through Coordinated Entry at 703-792-3366. Overnight Shelter- Single Adults over 18 yrs of age. Walk-in. Operates on a first-come first serve basis.


No Fee

Service area

Manassas, VA Manassas Park, VA Prince William, VA

Agency info

Prince William County Social Services

Provides county residents with services to include: child and adult protective services; foster care and adoption services; public benefits; pre-trial and juvenile justice programs; and homeless services.