
Enviromental Health - Lynchburg, Lynchburg Health Department

RESTAURANT INSPECTION Environmental Health Specialists inspect places that prepare food for public consumption. This includes restaurants, school cafeterias, day-care centers, hospitals and more. Inspect temporary food service vendors at local festivals. Check out the latest inspections of your favorite restaurant at http://healthspace.com/Clients/VDH/VDH/web.nsf/home.xsp FOODBORNE ILLNESSES If you suspect that more than one person has become ill after eating a common food, please contact your local health department. You can also log onto MyMealDetective.com to file an online foodborne illness report.

Physical Address

307 Alleghany Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501


(434) 947-2009

Application process

Please call 434-477-5974 for for an appointment.

Service area

Lynchburg, VA

Agency info

Lynchburg Health Department

Practicing public health, meeting the needs of the present while planning for the future.