
In Patient Substance Use - Blacksburg, New Life Recovery Center, New River Valley Community Service

New Life Recovery Center is a residential treatment facility for adults living with substance use disorders. A 30-day program, New Life has ten beds and serves both males and females who are 18 years of age or older with a primary diagnosis of alcohol and/or drug dependence. Residents may also have co-occurring mental health disorders.

Physical Address

700 University City Boulevard, Blacksburg, VA 24060


Monday: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM; Tuesday: 08:30 AM - 08:00 PM; Thursday: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM


(540) 831-4010

Application process

Intake through ACCESS (540) 961-8400

Service area

Giles, VA Floyd, VA Montgomery, VA Pulaski, VA Radford, VA

Agency info

New River Valley Community Services

New River Valley Community Services (NRVCS) is a public provider of behavioral health services to residents of the New River Valley. The agency serves children, adults and families by providing community-based programs for mental health, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and related prevention services.