Commissioner of Revenue - Amherst, Amherst County Government Offices
Issues business licenses. Offers assistance with state tax returns. Tax relief for elderly and permanently and/or totally disabled. Assesses personal property and processes real estate assessments and re-assessments. Local short term rental tax, local prepared food and beverage tax, processes State tax returns, assists DMV with State motor Vehicle Rental taxes, assists Board of Equalization on citizens real property complaints, assists state with the Bank Franchise Tax. Offers free state income tax preparation to Amherst County citizens, as well as the necessary forms to file. In order for this office to assist you please provide a completed copy of your Federal tax return, and your W-2's.
Physical Address
100 Goodwin Street, Amherst, VA 24521
(434) 946-9312
Application process
Call for more information
Service area
Amherst, VA
Agency info
Amherst County Government Offices
Amherst County Government