
Hospice Care - Williamsburg, Hospice House and Support Care of Williamsburg

Offers non-medical assistance for those living with a life threatening illness and for those who love them. Provides in home and out of the home services. In home services include respite for caregivers; volunteer assistance with transportation to medical appointments and other hands on help; loaning of equipment and supplies; spiritual care and support from a Chaplain; and a library. Hospice house provides a home away from home for patients and caregivers. 24 hour care provided by trained staff is also provided. Various support groups are available for patients, caregivers and members of the community.

Physical Address

4445 Powhatan Parkway, Williamsburg, VA 23188


(757) 253-2599

Application process

Call for information. Specific documents required, physician's diagnosis of terminal illness.



Service area

Williamsburg City, VA York County, VA James City County, VA

Agency info

Hospice House of Williamsburg

Our mission is to give care, comfort, and compassion through and beyond end of life. We provide around the clock medical care for those who are in the last days and weeks of life. We also offer bereavement support services to anyone in need. All of our services are provided free of charge thanks to the generosity of individuals, businesses, municipalities, religious groups, and civic groups.