Social Services Department/DSS - Christiansburg, Montgomery County Social Services
Provides assistance to citizens of Virginia to help them live their best lives. One child, one senior citizen, one person at a time, the Virginia Department of Social Services programs and services help people triumph over poverty, abuse and neglect, achieve self-sufficiency and shape strong futures for themselves, their families and their communities.
Physical Address
210 Pepper Street Southeast, Christiansburg, VA 24073
(540) 381-6823
(540) 382-6945
Application process
Walk-ins and telephone referrals. Screen for eligibility and apply online at: or call the enterprise call center.
Service area
Montgomery, VA
Agency info
Montgomery County Social Services
Assists families and individuals in becoming socially and economically self-sufficient and independent. Benefits programs include temporary assistance for needy families, food stamps, Medicaid, energy assistance, general relief, fraud prevention, children's medical security insurance. Social work programs include adoption, adult services/adult protective services, and child protective services, day care services for children, foster care, court services; and employment services for welfare recipients.