
Discrimination - Roanoke, Fair Housing Board, City of Roanoke Government Services

The Fair Housing Act covers most housing transactions including rentals, home sales, advertising, mortgage lending, home improvements, and zoning activities, but only if one is discriminated on the basis of one of the following protected classes as defined by federal, state, and /or local law, as follows: race, national origin, color, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. The Commonwealth of Virginia law adds elderliness, and the City of Roanoke law adds age and marital status. Landlord - Tenant issues can also be referred through this service.

Physical Address

1 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011


(540) 510-3090

Application process

Complaints must be filed with the Virginia Fair Housing Office: The Fair Housing Complaint Form is available at www.dpor.virginia.gov/dporweb/fho_index.cfm. Once you print and complete the form, please mail or fax a copy to the address shown below: Virginia Fair Housing Office 9960 Mayland Drive Suite 400 Richmond, Virginia 23233-1463 Fax: 866-480-8333 Email address is [email protected] Call 804-367-8530 or 888-551-3247 for more information about filing a complaint.




Service area

Roanoke, VA

Agency info

City of Roanoke Government Services

City of Roanoke Government Services