
Insurance Counseling - Richmond, Affordable Care Act, Central Virginia Legal Aid Society

Counseling on the Affordable Care Act and how it will impact the community. This is a free service to all community members. Certified Healthcare Navigators are here to answer your questions or to help you navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace. Open Enrollment is November 1 - January 15. Some individuals may be eligible for a special enrollment time frame. Please call to see if you qualify.

Physical Address

103 East Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Application process

Telephone intake days and hours are: Monday through Thursday, 9AM-3PM. Walk-in intake days and hours are: Monday through Friday, 9AM- 5PM at any CVLAS office.



Service area

Richmond, VA

Agency info

Central Virginia Legal Aid Society

Central Virginia Legal Aid Society (CVLAS) provides free civil (non-criminal) legal assistance to low income people living in - or who have legal problems in - Richmond and surrounding cities and counties.