Personal Care/In-Home Services - Arlington, Arlington Area on Aging
This program provides services that enable individuals to remain at home safely for as long as possible or return home after a hospitalization or skilled facility. Services are typically provided Monday through Friday, although special accommodations can sometimes be made. Services include: Bathing/personal care/using the bathroom Physical assistance with getting from bed to chair Eating reminders/assistance Medication reminders Meal preparation Laundry/light housekeeping Assistance with grocery shopping Healthcare escorts
Physical Address
2100 Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 228-1174
(703) 228-1174
Service area
Arlington, VA
Agency info
Arlington Area on Aging
The Aging and Disability Services Division emphasizes aging in place through care coordination, home care, and supportive services to ensure Arlington residents can live at home and in their community. Services are provided to individuals over 60 years of age, adults with permanent disabilities and their caregivers.