
Drop-In Center - Fairfax, Lamb Center, The

Provides counseling, showers, laundry, haircuts and daily breakfast and lunch. Offers phones for local calls and confidential message and mail service as well as and computer and fax machine use for job searches. Provides limited financial aid for rent, utilities, transportation, food and medicine. Also provides mental health outreach. Makes referrals to other agencies. Serves homeless and needy persons.

Physical Address

3160 Campbell Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031


To meet with counselor as available, arrive and sign up by 1:00; counselor schedules vary


(703) 273-9643


(703) 273-9643

Application process



No Fee

Service area

Fairfax City, VA Fairfax County, VA

Agency info

Lamb Center, The

The Lamb Center is a daytime drop-in center for the poor and homeless in central Fairfax County, Virginia.